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How Michelin uses cookies

Michelin is committed to protecting your personal information and to being clear and transparent about what information it collects and how it uses it. When you use our website or applications provided by Michelin, we may collect information through cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website or applications. This policy explains the purposes for which we and our partners use cookies and similar technologies and how you can manage your cookie preferences.

1. Who are we and how can you contact us?

Our full name, according to the law, is Michelin Bulgaria EOOD («Michelin») and when you use our website or our services directly, we act as an Administrator. If you need to contact us, you can do it in different ways:

You can email us at dataprivacy_euc@michelin.com . 
You can send us a letter addressed to Michelin Bulgaria EOOD, Bulgaria, Sofia 1202, 23 Serdika Str.

2. What are cookies? 

Cookies are text files or software items that record information related to the use of the Internet by your end device. They are under the control of your browser and sometimes carry a unique and random number.

When Michelin mentions the term "cookies", it may be cookies or similar technologies that are based on access to the device you use (computer, tablet, smartphone) when you visit our websites. Third parties such as our partners and service providers may use cookies and similar technologies in connection with our Services.

Cookies allow Michelin or its affiliates, as a cookie issuer and for the duration of their validity, to recognize your device each time it accesses digital content that contains cookies from the same publisher.

3. Other policies we recommend that you familiarize yourself with

Some of the information contained in cookies does not allow you to be identified directly or indirectly and does not constitute personal data. Others may allow you to be identified and are personal data that are subject to special protection. For more information on how we use, store and maintain your personal data and for your rights, we encourage you to read our Privacy Policy [insert hyperlink] and the Privacy Policy of our partners, available through the Cookie Management Solution. 

4. Why does Michelin use cookies?  

Michelin is constantly looking for new ways to improve its website to offer you, the Internet user, a better service and experience. That's why Michelin and its partners use different types of cookies, as described below. Some categories of cookies may require your prior consent before the cookie is installed on your device (ad-type cookies). In all cases, you have control over these cookies. This gives you the option to cancel, install or delete them.

5. How does Michelin inform you about the cookies it uses?

When you visit a Michelin website or application for the first time, the Cookie Management Solution directs you to this page, which provides you with all the necessary information about the cookies that are used. This cookie policy is also available through the "cookies" button located at the bottom of our website.

6. How to refuse and / or remove these cookies?

 a) Your browser settings

 Most browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings, which can be adjusted to reflect your consent to the use of cookies. In addition, most browsers also allow you to view and delete cookies. To learn more about your browser settings, please see the documentation provided by the manufacturer of your browser.

To learn more about how to set cookies, you can also visit the following website: https://youronlinechoices.com/

 b) Manage your preferences through the Cookie Management Solution

Michelin provides a Cookie Management Solution to manage the consent of users of our websites or cookie applications. This solution makes it possible to collect, store and transmit user consents to Michelin and relevant partners.

During your first visit to our website, an information window will allow you to indicate your choice. You can accept, set, refuse cookies or read our cookie policy by clicking the buttons available in the Cookie Management Solution.

You can specify your preference as a whole or individually, according to the purpose of the cookies, or even according to the category of partners (suppliers). You also have access to the privacy policies of all our partners. You are free to accept or refuse cookies, but you should keep in mind that the refusal may make browsing our website less pleasant and the content less customized for you.

Your consent is valid for a period not exceeding the storage period of the cookies, according to their purpose and for no longer than necessary, according to the law. Similarly, if you refuse cookies, Michelin will remember your choice and will no longer provide you with the Cookie Management Solution for a specified period. Upon expiration of the storage period or if you delete the cookies related to the storage of your choice, the consent management solution will be offered to you again.

Whatever you choose initially, you can always withdraw your consent or change your settings using the Cookie Management Solution [insert hyperlink].

7. What types of cookies does Michelin use?

Cookies can be classified in different ways:

According to their shelf life, cookies are:

Session cookies: which are deleted when the user closes the browser.
Tracking cookies: which remain on the user's computer / device for a predetermined period of time, according to their given durability and the parameters of your Internet browser. The maximum shelf life is determined by local law. In the present case, the duration of the cookie's existence may not exceed 13 months after it has been placed.  
According to the domain to which they belong, they are:

Top-level cookies: are placed by the web server on the visited page and share the same domain, in the case of Michelin or its handlers.
Third-party cookies: are stored on a domain other than the domain of the page you are visiting. They are placed by third parties, by partners authorized by Michelin (eg an advertising agency). When they use cookies, third party partners are responsible for the cookies they use. We invite you to familiarize yourself with their cookie policies available through our Cookie Management Solution. You can also use their own cookie management tools to set your preferences.
According to the characteristics related to their functioning:

Cookies can serve a variety of purposes. The name of the categories may differ between different users. For better understanding, Michelin defines them according to the categories below:

Cookies are absolutely necessary

Absolutely necessary cookies are cookies that are absolutely necessary, as the functioning of the website depends on their existence. Disabling them causes serious difficulties in using the website or even the inability to use the services it provides. Many uses are covered by these cookies. They allow, for example, to identify communication devices, to number packets of data for sending in the desired order, to detect an error in data transfer or loss, to store the contents of the basket for the duration of the session, to customize the view on the page (language, presentation of a service) or also for identification with a service. 

These cookies also allow users to retain their choices about their cookie preferences so that they are not asked again over a period of time.

These cookies are used based on Michelin's legitimate interest. As they are absolutely necessary for your visit, your prior consent is not required. These cookies are NOT managed by our Cookie Management Solution.
 To be filled in according to the cookies used

Functional cookies

Functional cookies are used to improve the quality of your use of the website. They are used to store the choices you make (your username, save the latest route options, for example) and provide personalized services. Thanks to these cookies, you do not need to enter certain data every time you connect to our website or application. They can save the changes you have made to the size of the text, font or other parts of the website that can be customized.

Functional cookies will not be used to send you ads on our or other websites.

You have the freedom to accept or reject them, but if you block them, they may also be made before service choices are saved.

These cookies are used based on your prior consent.

Cookies for statistics and traffic measurement

Traffic cookies help to identify visitors to the website during their various visits. These cookies only collect the visitor's Internet ID number (specific to each cookie) and are in no way used to collect personal information belonging to the visitors. The collected data allow to provide statistically anonymous data for visits (number of visitors and pages visited, duration of the visit, error messages, number of visits, frequency of return ...). They help to improve the use of Michelin websites.

Analytics cookies can be installed and managed by partners.

You are free to accept or decline them, but if you block them, Michelin will have less information to improve the use of your page.

These cookies are used based on your prior consent.

Cookies used to conduct targeted advertising

Targeted advertising and tracking cookies are used by third parties to provide services, mainly advertising, as well as to improve the effectiveness of such services. These cookies can record the pages and sites you visit and may collect personal information, mainly the IP address of the device used by the user. The information collected may be shared with third parties.

These are, for example, cookies that allow advertising agencies to offer ads based on your interests, depending on how you browse the Michelin website, or that restrict the repetition of ads. These cookies require your permission. In these cases, a clearly visible banner will appear on the first page of the site, requesting your consent to install these cookies.  

Michelin and third-party vendors, including Google, use both top-level cookies and third-party cookies to collect data, optimize, and distribute ads based on site visits. Michelin and these providers also use these two types of cookies to determine the relationship between site visits and the impact of ads, other uses of advertising services, and their interactions with those effects of ads and these advertising services. Michelin and its suppliers finally use these two types of cookies to store your interests and demographics to offer you targeted advertising.

Social media cookies created by social media sharing buttons

Michelin uses so-called social plugins (hereinafter: buttons) that link to social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube. When you visit our website, these buttons are deactivated by default, which means that they do not send any information to the social networks in question without taking action on your part. Before you can use these buttons, you must press them to activate them. The button remains activated until you deactivate it again or delete your cookies. Once activated, the system connects directly to the server of the selected social network. The contents of the button are then transferred directly from the social network to your network browser, which incorporates them into the website you are visiting. Immediately after activating the button, the social network in question may collect data, whether you use the button or not. If you have connected to a social network, it may link your visit to this website to your user registration. Visits to other Michelin websites will be linked if you have also activated the corresponding buttons on those pages. If you are a member of a social network and do not wish it to link the data collected from a visit to our website to the information provided when you joined the network, you should take a break from the social network in question before activating the buttons. Please note that we cannot influence the scope of the data collected by social networks using your buttons.

These cookies are used with your prior consent.